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Meta Tags: A piece of information that is often missed


What Are Meta Tags?

Meta tags are snippets of code that provide search engines (such as Google or Bing) with information inside a website page, as to how it should be displayed in the search engine results.

They also inform the web browser how to show the page to the user. Each web page has its own meta tags, but it only appears in HTML Code.

The only difference between the tag that you can see (such as in a blog post) and the tag that you can’t see, is the location. Meta Tags are only located in HTML and usually on the head section of a page, which is why it can only be seen by the search engine. “Meta” is the shorter form of “metadata”, which means the data that describes the information of a web page.



Meta Data Best Practice

There are a lot of different HTML tags that are used on a website page; however, we will only focus on 3 tag types that will provide significant benefits to your website.



Title Tags

You need to write unique title tags; concise but still descriptive. Avoid titles that are too general and unclear. Try to include target keywords and keep your title tags below 60 characters.



Meta Tags Description

Keep your text under 155-160 characters, write a unique description for each page, try to accurately summarize your content, avoid a general description of your page, and don’t forget to add target keywords that are compatible to the web page or your content.



Image Tags

Actually, there are 2 types of Image Descriptions on a Tag – Image Title and ALT text. Both ALT Text and title tags should be added so the user, or your website visitor, get the best experience when they see the image displayed. The Image title will be shown on your screen when you point your cursor to the image, and the alt text will be shown when the image is unable to be displayed (or read for a visually impaired person). Always optimize your Image for the search engine and the website user.


To get maximum results, use the meta tags component on every website you have. It’s also a good way to keep an eye on recommendations given by your CMS tool – either Zyro, Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, Weebly or any other CMS you use. All of them have a feature that provides recommendations to optimize your SEO effort for your website.

Juicebox is a Bali SEO agency that can manage the technical aspects of SEO for you.



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